University of Otago

Current Project Work


Understanding commitment and enduring involvement in outdoor recreation in New Zealand

Primary Investigator:

Dr Brent Lovelock


Dr Anna Thompson, Centre for Recreation Research

Research Assistant:



Summary of Research

The goal of this research is to assess the levels of commitment and 'enduring involvement' in a number of key outdoor recreational activities (mountaineering/climbing, tramping, hunting and fishing), and assesses their importance of a range of personal, social and social and environmental influences upon commitment and enduring involvement.

This research will be the first comprehensive study of ongoing commitment/involvement in outdoor recreation in New Zealand. It will provide data that will contribute to the development of effective retention strategies by outdoor recreation providers. More strongly committed or ‘involved’ recreationists play a significant role in achieving recreational NGO and club goals, including revenue generation, networking, community, and developing a positive reputation for the recreational activity. At the individual level, greater commitment/involvement leads to benefits accruing in terms of personal health and fitness, leadership and outdoor skills development.

For more information please contact Brent: